Master of Science in Marine Science & Oceanography

Frequently Asked Questions

Prospective Student FAQs

Is the GRE score required?
The GRE is not required for the MSO program
How and when should I begin working to identify an Advisor?
You should begin searching for an Advisor prior to applying to the MSO graduate program. See the guidelines and policies associated with faculty Advisors. Review the Program Faculty participant list to identify faculty with whom you wish to work. Once you have identified several faculty members whose research programs align with your interests, you should reach out to them directly about the possibility of joining their research lab.
Must I have an advisor to submit my application?
Your application package must contain a signed Faculty Advisor form.
Are there pre-requisites for admittance to the MSO program?
There are no pre-requisites for admittance, however there may be pre-requisites for specific courses. You may review the MSO course list to see what courses may be of interest to you, then check the FAU course catalog to see if there are pre-requisites for any of those courses. This program includes rigorous required courses and students should have solid backgrounds in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
Am I required to attend class at Harbor Branch in Fort Pierce?
Core classes are taught one day per week at the Harbor Branch campus and in person attendance is required. All other classes may be taken virtually or in person at Harbor Branch or on other campuses.
What are the costs for tuition and fees?
Costs are listed on the Controller’s website:
Who is responsible for advising me on my course requirements?
Your Advisor is ultimately responsible. Students should consult with their Advisor, who will serve as the Chair of the Committee, for assistance in selecting courses. Students should also read and be familiar with the MSO program regulations, which contain program requirements and policies.
What are the course requirements?
Required courses are shown on the MSO website under the Curriculum and Core Subject Areas tab.
Who decides on my electives?
You and your Advisor.
Which courses fulfill the seminar requirement for the MSO program?
Marine Science and Oceanography Seminar/Colloquium (OCE 6922) OR the Marine Science Seminar (BSC 6938)
Can I enroll in more than one seminar course within the same semester?
If the seminar fits within the Plan of Study that you develop with your advisor, you may take more than one seminar. Most seminars are only one course credit.
The electives and the core courses are not offered in all semesters. How can I plan for my coursework?
Refer to the guidelines and policies associated with your program for program-specific restrictions. You can also plan by consulting historical course schedule data on the FAU web page and contacting the respective faculty who teach courses of interest.

The MSO Core Courses are taught once an academic year, and the Marine Science Seminar is offered every semester. Statistics courses are offered in the Biology, Math and Psychology Departments. Other MSO elective courses are offered in variable semesters. The MSO program shares a list with students and faculty every semester to help students choose their schedule. Please use the FAU Course Schedule to search for future semesters.
Can I transfer credits into the MSO program?
Yes. A maximum of six graduate credits earned from another institution may be transferred.
Where can I get additional information on graduate admissions and policy guidelines?
What is the yearly salary for Graduate Research Assistantships?
The Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) salary varies based on available funding. Faculty awarding the GRAs out of their grant funds may choose to pay an amount that they are able to and wish to do so. This would be discussed directly between the student and the specific Advisor. Assistantships also come with a tuition waiver; however, students do not receive a waiver of fees that pay for items such as parking decals, gym access, technology fee, etc.
What is the stipend for Graduate Teaching Assistantships?
The current Graduate Teaching Assistantship stipend is approximately $12,480, plus a tuition waiver, and subsidized health care. Most MSO program TA positions are in the Biology Department. TA positions are not guaranteed in the MSO program, but we have good success finding them for our students.
Where can I find information about health insurance for students?
Which student clubs and organizations can I participate in as a Graduate Student at FAU?
FAU student clubs and organizations, including the Harbor Branch Student Association, can be found at Owl Central.
Who should I contact in the program for my questions?
Inquiries for the Marine Science and Oceanography Master’s Program, contact Cathy Rossmell ( and Jessica Pettingill (
Where can I find information about scholarships, fellowships and financial aid?
Where can I find resources for International Students?
If I am applying in a future semester, may I start taking classes now?
Yes, you may take classes as non-degree seeking. Up to 6 credits are accepted from courses on the list.
May I be a part-time student in the MSO program?
Yes, the program may be taken on a part-time basis.
Can I apply in the Spring semester?
You may apply no later than October 1 for Spring admission and January 15 for Fall admission.
What do I need to include with my application?
Statement of interest, resume/CV, two recommendations, Faculty Advisor form, and unofficial transcripts.
What should I include in my Statement of Interest?
Students should talk with their future advisors to see specifically what information they want to see in the written statement. Think of this as a narrative to your CV or resume. Why, from an academic and research perspective, do you want to go to graduate school?
How will graduate school help you in your future career ambitions?
What relevant academic and research experiences do you have to demonstrate you are ready for graduate programs?
Where to I send official transcripts?
Official transcripts are to be sent directly to FAU’s Graduate College.
How are my recommendations included in the process?
When you submit your completed application, an email request is sent to your referees. The email includes a link for upload of a document or a choice to directly type their recommendation.
What Bachelor’s degree do I need before applying to the MSO program?
The MSO is a program designed to allow a broad range of Bachelor’s degrees however a STEM background is desirable.

New Students FAQs

Who is responsible for advising me on my course requirements?
Your Advisor is ultimately responsible. Students should consult with their Advisor, who will serve as the Chair of the Committee, for assistance in selecting courses. Students should also read and be familiar the MSO program regulations, which contains program requirements and policies.
What are the course requirements?
Required courses are shown on the MSO website under the Curriculum and Core Subject Areas tab.
Who decides on my electives?
You and your Advisor.
Which courses fulfill the seminar requirement associated with the MSO program?
Marine Science and Oceanography Seminar/Colloquium (OCE 6922) Marine Science Seminar (BSC 6938)
Can I enroll in more than one seminar course within the same semester?
If the seminar fits within the Plan of Study that you develop with your advisor, you may take more than one seminar. Most seminars are only one course credit.
The electives and the core courses are not offered in all semesters. How can I plan for my coursework?
Refer to the guidelines and policies associated with your program for program-specific restrictions. You can also plan by consulting historical course schedule data on the FAU web page and contacting the respective faculty who teach courses of interest to you.

The MSO Core Courses are taught once an academic year, and the Marine Science Seminar is offered every semester. Statistics courses are offered in the Biology, Math and Psychology Departments. Other MSO elective courses are offered in variable semesters. The MSO program shares a list with students and faculty every semester to help students choose their schedule. Please use the FAU Course Schedule to search for future semesters.
Can I transfer credits into the MSO program?
Yes. A maximum of six graduate credits earned from another institution may be transferred.
Where can I find information about health insurance for students?
Which student clubs and organizations can I participate in as a Graduate Student at FAU?
FAU student clubs and organizations, including the Harbor Branch Student Association, can be found at Owl Central.
Who should I contact in the program for my questions?
Inquiries for the Marine Science and Oceanography Master’s Program, contact Cathy Rossmell ( and Jessica Pettingill (
Where can I find information about scholarships, fellowships and financial aid?
Where can I find resources for International Students?

Current Student FAQs

Is there a deadline by which I must complete all required coursework?
Students working full-time toward a Master’s degree are expected to complete all requirements within two (2) years after entering the program.
When should I form my committee?
The thesis committee must be formed by the end of the second semester.
Who should be on my committee?
Your committee will consist of three Graduate Faculty members. Procedures for Master’s Program Committee Formation
1) In consultation with your Advisor, contact (no later than term 2) two additional Graduate Faculty members to serve on the Graduate Supervisory Committee.
2) Official verification of the Graduate Supervisory Committee must be completed in writing. Please download the Committee Formation form at
3) Each Faculty agreeing to serve on the committee must sign the form, which is then emailed to 4)
My contract provides only for one academic year of support. Who is responsible for my salary support?
If a student is supported by a Graduate Assistantship, your Advisor is responsible for your salary support. Consult with your Advisor to understand your options. If a student is supported by a Teaching Assistantship, students must sign up, usually through the Biology Department, to be considered.
Is there a deadline by which I must request support in the form of a TA position?
For Master’s student participants, an email will be sent each semester with a deadline by which a response is required.
My advisor does not have funding for me right now but will have funds available next semester. Can I switch from an RA position in one term to a TA in another or vice versa?
Yes. But your advisor must alert a Program Coordinator and a Grant Coordinator of an intended change in support status. A late request to switch from RA to TA will not be possible if all TA positions have already been filled. A late request to switch from TA to RA may result in denial of a subsequent TA request.
What are the annual paperwork requirements that I must complete?
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is due twice a year by November 1 and April 15.
Where can I find information about health insurance for students?
Which student clubs and organizations can I participate in as a Graduate Student at FAU?
FAU student clubs and organizations, including the Harbor Branch Student Association, can be found at Owl Central.
Who should I contact in the program for my questions?
Inquiries for the Marine Science and Oceanography Master’s Program, contact the MSO Administrative team at
Where can I find information about scholarships, fellowships and financial aid?
Where can I find resources for International Students?
Additional Information
Florida Atlantic's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute engages with the community through the Ocean Discovery Visitors Center and the Ocean Science Lecture Series. Harbor Branch’s research and outreach programs translate marine science in order to provide solutions that improve economies and quality of life for coastal communities.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University
5600 US 1 North
Fort Pierce, FL 34946